MEC London
Core Value
Word of God is the foundation
Pressing prayer is the engine
Work of the Holy Spirit is essential

Our vision
「众人如羊流离,因无牧人就受苦。」撒迦利亚书 10:2
"Therefore the people wander like sheep oppressed for lack of a shepherd." Zech. 10:2
Our vision is to plant a healthy growing church to win 140,000 Mandarin lost sheep and lost souls in London for God, and to nurture them to be healthy growing disciples of Jesus Christ, especially the University Students Ministry.
根据统计,2022年有15万 (151,690) 中国留学生到英国来求得更高的学历与知识,单单伦敦市中心 Zone1:东西6英里,南北4英里的范围就集中了3万个中国留学生,而神很奇妙的把我们教会的聚会点就放在五所世界著名大学校区的正中间,走路范围即可接触到25,000个中国留学生。神将我们放置在如此大的禾场当中,相信神要做奇妙大事!若这些25,000个中国留学生可在1-3年的求学期间认识主、成为基督门徒,当他们回到中国的土地,就可以成为小宣教士,将福音带回中国!我们相信神给MEC London的任务就是培养一群神国的精兵!
According to statistics, in 2022, 151,690 Chinese students came to the UK to pursue higher education and knowledge. In the Central London Zone 1, spanning 6 miles east-west and 4 miles north-south, there were concentrated 30,000 Chinese students. Interestingly, God placed our church right in the middle of five world-renowned university campuses, with a walking range that allows us to connect with 25,000 Chinese students. It's marvelous how God has positioned us in such a vast field, and we believe He is going to do amazing works! Imaging if these 25,000 Chinese students can come to know the Lord and become disciples of Jesus Christ during their 1-3 years of study, when they return to China, they can serve as young missionaries, bringing the gospel back to China! We strongly believe that the mission God has given to MEC London is to train good soldiers for His kingdom!
当教会稳定发展产生第二代事工,MEC London 的异象是计划将第二代事工拓植为一个国际教会,培育第二代基督徒实践本地跨文化宣教事工,将福音传给本地的英国人以及其他种族。
When MEC London experiences stable growth and development, our vision for the second generation ministry is to leading it into a cross-cultural ministry by planting an international church so the second generation Christians may reach and spread the Gospel to the locals and neighbours.
Our discipleship
基于圣经之大使命与大诫命,MEC London 发展了五支柱与四阶段的基督徒生命成长架构,帮助并带领弟兄姐妹一起在健康的环境与文化中均衡的实践与操练,活出大诫命与实行大使命,成为成熟荣耀神的基督门徒,使福音广传!
Based on the Great Commandment and Great Commission from the Bible, MEC London has developed a Christian spiritual growing scheme, Five-Pillar structure and Four-Level growing path, to help everyone practicing and fulfilling God's purpose in our lives, which is to spread the Gospel and to be the salt and light of this world in order to glorify God.
What is the Five-Pillar structure?
每日生活传福音 Tell about Jesus (Evangelism and Mission)
读经祷告得成长 Grow through devotion (Discipleship)
主日敬拜更爱神 Worship God together (Sunday Worship)
周间小组多爱人 Love one another (Small Groups)
爱与成长齐服事 Serve each other (Team Ministry)
What is the Four-Level growing path?
连结 Commit to Church
成长 Grow to Maturity
献上 Dedicate to God
差遣 Send to the World
四阶成长之路由浅入深的带领教会一同实践五支柱(福音、成长、爱神、爱人、服事),使基督徒生命得到均衡的成长,成为成熟健康的基督门徒。 每一进阶将增强每一支柱的深度来装备每一位基督徒,并为神国储备人才,直达到第四阶段成为成熟的基督门徒,奉差遣出去继续拓展神的国度!
以下图表即显示 MEC London 的五支柱架构和四阶成长之路配搭之细节。
The Four-Level growth path leads church members to practice the Five-Pillar (tell, grow, worship, love, serve) from a simple to a profound way, so that Christians may grow in a balanced development and become mature and healthy disciples of Christ.
The chart below shows the coordination of MEC London's Five-Pillar structure and Four-Level growth path.
How the Five-Pillar and Four-Level work together to help Christians to grow spiritually?

Lead Pastor
Kim graduated from the University of Adelaide (Australia) majoring in music classical performance. She came to know Christ during her university years, and subsequently became active in church ministries, and thus experienced great spiritual growth.
Responding to a call to full-time ministry, in 2012 she pursued theological training at Singapore Bible College, earning a Master of Divinity. Subsequently, she joined St. James' Church, overseeing worship, new immigrants, and children's ministries. In 2018, she obtained a Master of Theology in worship from Calvin Theological Seminary (US). Throughout the pandemic, she continued serving the Chinese community through innovative online ministries.
In 2022, under God's guidance, Kim joined the pastoral team of Mandarin Evangelical Church London (MEC London), primarily serving in student ministry and shepherding the Gen Z and Millennials. In 2024 she takes the leading role serving at MEC London.

REVerend Joe Rao
Founding and Advising Senior Pastor
Rev. Joe was born in Taiwan in 1971. He grew up in a pastor's family. He worked at General Electric (GE) in the USA for 15 years as a lead electrical design engineer and held four industrial patents. While working as an engineer, he served at Chinese Baptist Church of Greater Hartford in Connecticut for over 10 years, engaging in various roles within Deacon Board, Mission Committee, Adult Sunday School, Fellowship & Bible Study, and much more ministries.
God called Joe and his wife May into full-time ministry when they joined a short-term mission trip to the UK in 2012 and 2013. In 2013 they responded to God’s calling, relocated to the UK, joined Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM) as missionaries. Joe pursued theological studies at the London School of Theology and graduated in 2016. During his ministry term with COCM, his services included preaching and teaching at Chinese churches, coaching and teaching at conferences, pioneering and ministering Chinese student campus fellowships in London, and supporting campus evangelical tours throughout UK.
In 2018, Joe and May followed God’s calling to plant a healthy student church in Central London called Mandarin Evangelical Church London (MEC London) to evangelize and pastor Mandarin-speaking Chinese students and young professionals. In 2024 Rev. Joe took the role serving as Deputy Director at UKAFC where they aim to expand Mandarin student ministries across the UK and assisting Chinese churches in establishing body of Christ.

Founding and Advising Pastor
Pastor May was born and raised in Taiwan before pursuing graduate studies in the United States. Following her graduation, she worked as a graphic and web/media designer for 15 years in Connecticut. During the time she also served at Chinese Baptist Church of Greater Hartford in Connecticut. She established the praise team and led the church's worship for 7 years. In many occasions, she served as a worship leader at Chinese Christian conferences and student evangelical conferences in New England area. She also pioneered and led Young Professionals Fellowship, serviced in Team Ministry, Children's Ministry, and Choir.
In 2013, May answered the call to full-time ministry in the UK and pursued theological and worship studies at the London School of Theology. She also served as a missionary with the Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM), organizing several national Chinese Christian conferences, building the structure, establishing and leading worship teams, pioneering and ministering Chinese student campus fellowships in UCL and LSE, and supporting campus evangelical tours throughout UK.
After concluding the term with COCM in 2018, May and Joe responded to the leading of the Holy Spirit and jointly established the Mandarin Evangelical Church London (MEC London). In 2024, May, along with her husband Joe, began serving at UKAFC, expanding Mandarin student ministries across the UK and facilitating the development of Mandarin ministries in Chinese churches.